MEIJI Machine Co Ltd
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MEIJI Machine Co Ltd
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MEIJI MACHINE (DE ZHOU) CO., LTD. is located in Dezhou Economic and Technological Development Zone which is in Dezhou City, Shandong Province, China. Dezhou has a very easy access to the airports of Beijing or Jinan, Ports of Tianjin or Qingdao and everywhere in China through high-way, railway, and High-Speed-Railway under construction.
MEIJI MACHINE (DE ZHOU) CO., LTD. was invested in 2005 by MEIJI MACHINE CO., LTD.,which was founded over 100 years ago, and now has become the biggest bread flour milling and feeding machinery company in Japan with having won honors of "Oriental Technology of bread flour milling" in the world with many originally technological invention.
We, as a subsidiary company of MEIJI MACHINE CO., LTD., is launching a new career in China with continuing the histories, technology and honors of MEIJI MACHINE CO., LTD..In other words, We will offer our high-quality products and other solutions made in Dezhou with technological services and shorter delivery time to customers including both flour milling factories and milling machinery makers not only in Japan and China, but also in the World with Japanese manufacture technology and Japanese after-service trustworthiness according to the global strategic vision of MEIJI MACHINE CO., LTD..
As the first step of making inroads into the China market and the worldwide market, we will produce and sell our MEIJI-ROLLER which has been successfully used as the first chosen due to its high quality and excellent performances in the all flour milling factories in Japan.
At the time of producing and selling our MEIJI-ROLLER in China and overseas, we will also produce our original roller fluting machine, the roller matting machine and the flour milling machine etc. made in Dezhou with MEIJI-BRAND, and provide them to our customers in China and other Countries.
We are looking to play an active part on developing the bread flour milling technology and related products not only in Japan and China, but also all over the World as well.
Product Category
Technology & Handling
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Video (SAMPLE - This is just for your reference only!)
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