Bitwise Pty Ltd
Company name:
Bitwise Pty Ltd
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Bitwise Pty Ltd is a privately owned company, established in 1999 by Jodi Lobegeiger and Jason Zarew. It was founded with the vision to create complete solutions combining the worlds of industrial automation and IT to improve our customers' business.
As automation solutions require a complex mixture of technologies and fields of knowledge, Bitwise has a team of engineers and specialists to reflect this. Our core competencies are electrical engineering, process control, IT, networking and software development. This allows us to provide completely integrated solutions from ERP layer down to the device level and all the levels and connections in between. Bitwise can handle the complete life cycle of your solution from conception and design through to maintenance and upgrades. Alternatively we can offer individual services, such as software engineering for a specific project.
Simply put, we deliver solutions and services to improve your business by providing:
- Higher throughput and quality
- Less downtime and fewer manufacturing errors
- Meaningful, up-to-date and accurate production data
- Tighter office integration
- Bitwise has a proven track record of successfully achieving these outcomes for our
- clients in a variety of industries:
- Animal feed and premix plants
- Concrete and powder plants
- Food and beverage manufacturing
- Energy monitoring and control
- Water monitoring and treatment
- Material handling and general manufacturing
- High speed machine and motion control
On the technology front, we work with a variety of hardware and software platforms depending on the requirements of the client. Here are some of the systems and equipment we are familiar with: Siemens, Rockwell, Bernecker + Rainer, Schneider, Omron, Wago, Citect, Wonderware, ERP Systems (e.g. SAP), Microsoft Enterprise Software, HP, Dell, Cisco, Accounting Packages (e.g. MYOB).
In addition, we have developed our plant control solution ProBatch™ as a single package bringing all these elements together on an industrial platform. It uses standard automation and IT hardware to provide our clients with a fully integrated manufacturing system. ProBatch™ has been successfully implemented in more than 50 sites in Australia and South East Asia in several industries.
Product Category
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Relevant certificates
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Product photos
Video (SAMPLE - This is just for your reference only!)
(Keyboard shortcut to open full screen in Youtube video - Press "F" button)